Important Methods for Social Media Marketing

Best Digital Mate
3 min readJan 3, 2021


Social media marketing

Social media marketing (SMM) is a subset of online marketing, which involves marketing online using various social media platforms such as social networking sites, message boards, podcasts and video sites. Although the traditional terms such as digital media and e-marketing are still dominant within academic circles, social media marketing has become increasingly popular for researchers and practitioners alike. The rise in popularity of SMM has largely stemmed from the increased reach that it offers. SMM allows users to connect and interact with each other through blogs, videos, forums and social networking sites, which can be easily archived for later reference. For many SMM practitioners, this represents an ideal way to gain feedback on the effectiveness of their campaigns and gauge consumer reaction to the same.

There are several components of a social media marketing strategy which requires careful consideration before implementation. The first and perhaps most important component is a brand strategy. The brand strategy, also referred to as branding, should be carefully considered and analyzed before a campaign is launched. This strategy should address the goals of the brand as well as identify the mediums in which they will achieve those goals. It should also be backed by the proper metrics to ensure that the brand’s goals can be achieved.

A brand strategy can be formulated on the basis of the product or service which the company wishes to promote through the social media platform. This should include target markets, audience segments, as well as potential methods of communication and feedback. For example, a cosmetics company may choose to target female consumers through its Facebook page. In addition, the brand may choose to focus on African American or Hispanic audiences through its popular My Space channel. In this way, the company ensures that it will be able to reach the right audience segment and at the right time through the appropriate platform.

The second component of a good social media marketing strategy is engagement. This refers to ensuring that users in the target audience will find and be engaged with the content on the platform. For example, a website selling fashion accessories may decide to have contests and give away free stuff to attract more viewers. By doing this, they will be building a relationship with their audience which will translate into increased sales as well as more brand visibility.

Additionally, a website promoting cosmetic products may decide to host surveys and questionnaires on its website. Through these questions, they will be able to gather data which will be useful for identifying the needs and demands of the audience. After this information has been accumulated, the company will be able to create effective campaigns targeting the audience. Another way to engage the audience is by providing reviews of the cosmetic products. By doing this, the brand is not only informing users about the benefits of the product but also informing them about the best ways in which they can use the product.

Finally, the third component of a social media marketing strategy is to make sure that there are links back to the brand’s website. This is done so that users who are not following the link on the social media platform will still be able to reach the company’s main website. This helps ensure that users will continue to engage with the brand and return to the platform to buy the products and services. By taking these three factors into consideration, it is safe to say that a business is already on the right track towards increasing its online presence. All it needs to do now is to take action and make use of these platforms in the right manner.



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